Celebrate the Viking version of Halloween at Birka 25th and 26th October 2025. This weekend is about facing the gods and mythological creatures, and watch a ritual, based on historical records. By the reconstructed houses you can try out family activities connected to a magical theme.
10 AM – M/S Mälar Viktoria departs from Klara Mälarstrand in central Stockholm, passes Jungfrusund, Rastaholm at Ekerö and Vårby brygga. There is a cafeteria on board and during the boat trip you can enjoy a guided tour about Old Norse magic and legends.
12 AM – A völva, a staff bearer, meet the guests by the museum and guide them around at the grave field of the Vikings while mythological creatures and gods joins the tour.
14 PM – A historical inspired ritual takes place by the wooden statues. We think of our loved ones and wish them well and thank the spirits and gods for a good year. Based on written sources.
15.30 PM – M/S Mälar Victoria departure for Stockholm
Welcome to the Old Norse Halloween and watch how it was celebrated in Scandinavia a thousand years ago!
Enjoy a fantastic bout tour to Birka – pre-book your boat ticket.
© 2025 Strömma Turism & Sjöfart AB | Svensksundsvägen 19, SE-11 1 49 STOCKHOLM | Birka Vikingastaden ingår i Stromma