Café Eldrimner is a perfect stop when you just are a little bit hungry! There is a cozy covered patio and we always try during the most crowded weeks, to serve a lot of locally produced food.
Here you can stop to get cold drinks, coffee or tea, a warm VIKING (meat in bread or spinach and feta cheese on bread), freshly baked pastries, ice-cream and much more to satisfy your hunger – the extra kick that may be needed when you are to follow the Vikings’ footsteps on the guided tour.
June 6-9th
June 24th – August 11th
If you would like to eat more you are welcome to Restarurant Särimner.
© 2025 Strömma Turism & Sjöfart AB | Svensksundsvägen 19, SE-11 1 49 STOCKHOLM | Birka Vikingastaden ingår i Stromma