The Ansgar Chapel at Birka

Summer church – open for individual visits

The Ansgar Chapel was built around 1930, one hundred years after the Monument of Ansgar was raised. The chapel is built 1100 years after Ansgars arrival to Sweden. Ansgar was a monk that came to Sweden to Christianize the country.

The Ansgar Chapel – open during summer

Today the Ansgar Chapel is a summer church, which is open for individual visits, group visits, weddings and christenings.

The chapel was designed by architect Lars Israel Wahlman and decorated by great artists and architects that made paintings and sculptures that tell of Ansgar’s life and commandments.

Managed by Ekerö parish

The Ansgar Chapel is managed by a foundation and Ekerö parish is responsible for the care.

Ansgarskapellet, Björkö 20, 178 92, Adelsö
+46 (0)8-560 387 00